Congress, White House agree on $790B stimulus bill

The congress and the white house agree on the 790 billion economic stimulus bill which is basically designed to create millions of jobs. In this bill, education is invested and more than 1/3 of the bill is dedicated to providing tax relief for middle-class families, cutting taxes for 95% of American workers. This agreement is suppose to save or create more than 3.5 million jobs and get our economy back on track. The tax cut for millions of lower and middle income taxpayers is a hundred dollars less for an individual and two hundred dollars less for a couple. Senator Joe Lieberman says, “The bill will be the beginning of the turnaround for the American economy.” the measure will include $46 billion for transportation projects such as highway, bridge and mass transit construction. $54 billion is going to the state stabilization fund to permit local governments to use some of the money for modernizing school buildings but not building new ones. The bill also includes $70 billion to shelter wealthier taxpayers from the alternative minimum tax. The congressional budget office estimates that provision will have relatively little impact on the economic. This article is worth reading because you will know what's happening in the world or around you.

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