Abortion !!!!!

I 100% agree with you, abortion is a form of silent murder and when someone is doing abortion, they are killing, and denying a right to a young person not even born to defend itself. It is sort of like hanging someone without a fair trial. It's wrong because they're killing their own child to get out of their mess. If they can’t handle a kid then they obviously shouldn’t be having sex. Abortions are a sad and selfish easy way out. I think it's sad and a terrible thing indeed. I am not for it however; there are many cases when abortion is needed. Do you think a 15 yr old girl that got raped should have to keep an unwanted baby? Her family can't support it and she can't even take care of herself, let alone a baby. Your opinion would be fine in the 1950s, but things have moved on a lot, and lifestyles have changed. Personally, I think it would be a lot worse if it was illegal and some of the reprobates who need abortions had to have their children, unwanted, and unable to teach them proper values. And think about the people who need to have abortions for health reasons. In my opinion I think we need to look at both sides of the issue here lets say if the woman was raped incest or the child was threatening the mothers life or if their was something seriously wrong with the child then yes I would think it would be appropriate to abort the child. If aborting the child just because you didn’t want the child or for no reason at all then YES I do think that it’s a really bad thing. That’s the way i support the education of BIRTH CONTROL and the use of contraceptives to PREVENT unwanted pregnancies that end up in abortions that way we might see less being performed.

Mr. Obama, Mr. Zardari and Mr. Karzai

Interesting editorial in itself but it fails to repudiate Obama’s short sighted approach to the situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan: to differentiate between the good and bad terrorists. American and NATO presence in the region must have an express purpose and that is to root out the threat of terrorism. The Obama team can be likened to the Bush team ion one fundamental way: the Bush administration had ideologues with parochial and black and white views; the current Obama team is composed of members of similar disposition – ideologues, albeit of a different stripe. The problem is that they are so committed to one way of thinking that they cannot see the bigger picture…that short term pains must be endured to bring about long term and lasting solutions. There must be a clear political vision of how the current administration sees the world. The modified Pakistan funding bill being considered by the US Congress and US administration - if passed in its current form with India-specific modifications – can quite plausibly be interpreted by the people of India as the US explicitly enabling and funding Pakistan to continue sponsoring terrorism against the people of India. After all, the original proposed Congressional bill as sponsored by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Howard L. Berman required that (1) Pakistan stop all Kashmiri militant groups from operating from Pakistani soil and that (2) Pakistan give an undertaking that it will not allow its territory to be used for any armed attack against or inside India. The reasons these two conditions were included in that proposed bill were plainly and simply that Pakistan – without any shred of doubt – was activity engaged in both (1) and (2). Now, to make Pakistan happy both of these India-specific conditions are explicitly waived in the modified funding bill being sponsored by Democratic chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee John Kerry and Republican Richard Lugar. In essence, it seems that as the leader of the free world the US is about to issue a multi-billion dollar check to the leaders of Pakistan to explicitly authorize them - i.e. as per the “allowed to attack India” modifications made to the Pakistan funding bill - to continue to pursue its policy of terrorist warfare against India. If this were to happen, well then, it would be safe to say that India, the US and the free world at large have a fundamental problem in anti-terror strategy that is soon about to result in a significantly enhanced global terrorist threat viz-a-viz the one existing now. We shouldn’t given the level of corruptness in both the Afghan and Pakistani government, why on earth would we assume that any money that we give them would be used for anything constructive? Instead of giving money to a corrupt government, we should work with the UN and NGOs to build schools in Pakistan ourselves. Would the Pakistani government really object?
